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Crypting with the initials above.

KENNY THE SHARK anagram:  











Centuries into the future, a researcher with access to Census Records, DMV and DDS records, birth certificates, passport archives, etc., will be able to...... alot.  Trending now is facial recognition technology and it's application to DNA studies, or vice versa.  RKH are my initials, and I'm frequently able to find an anagram message to RKH in WORD SEARCH puzzles.  The examples of WORD SEARCH puzzles below featured European royals somewhere in the issue (point being with most of this web page is that the royals are my distant cousins).  I do not have enough room for all the tabloid pages, but when they are available on-line in perhaps the distant future, you can get to it all.  The first here is the terrorist attack on the Khobar Towers.  

The attack on the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia took place on June 25, 1996. At the time, the towers were being used by a coalition force under OPERATION SOUTHERN WATCH, whose goal was enforcement of the  Iraqi no-fly zone.  You see the bomb crater in the photo above.  19 U.S. servicemen were the victims.   The Khobar Towers anagram is:  "O'...R.K.H. TAB WORSE. " 

This Atlanta Journal Constitution article from 12-15-2002 revisits Khobar Towers.  

And here is a TNT Word Search puzzle that's themed with the Khobar Towers article.

CRYPTIC messages from The Globe.

Back in the 1990's, the T.O.C. (Technical Operations Center) was the name of the building in Atlanta that I reported to with a previous employer, where we built jet engines.  

The JOT CLUE solution can be found under the McDonald's tab.  Click the WORD SEARCH above to go there.  











And then there's that Time Travel machine out of Geneva.  The Akron Ohio anagram is "OOO... A 'R.K.H.'  IN."  Hotel Howe opened there on November 22, 1915, the day after RTH, Sr.'s 6th birthday.   You understand the point that it was decided to put the Howe in Akron in maybe 1968 or 1988 or 2023.   Remember from the HOME tab that I am trying to sell this plot.     

And that Time Travel machine out of Geneva goes a lot farther back than Akron Ohio.  The "Koln a RH" anagram is "AN OL' R.K.H."  The English spelling of this old German city is Cologne.     

And of course there's the 5,000 year old Koh-i-noor (anagram:  "OOO'... R.K.H. IN.") Diamond, which was named in 1739 by a Persian general named Nadir Shah.  Queen Victoria won the oldest known diamond in 1850, had the dull stone (top) re-cut, and it is currently with the Crown Jewels.   Koh-i-noor means Mountain of Light.  Yes.  They already know about this at the Palace.   Look below to see how to taunt a time traveler... or taunt with a time traveler??  That could be a two-part episode.   

Caleb's anagram:  "B.C. PHOTO LATE."

Sometimes others like to get in on the act.  This one from 2009 was chosen to be published by Ripley's.  The anagram here can not be deciphered without the details that were with the post at FACEBOOK on 3-20-2019.  Steve's anagram is "SET R.K.H. EVE CURSE."  Everybody wants to rule the world.....

anagram from THE TWINS:













Another time travel plot above from 1959.  The Khyber Patrol movie title anagram is:

"BE  R.K.H.  ART  PLOY."


You can click the movie poster ONLY IF you need to be reminded of 6-4-1962.


The links below will navigate you through much of the web page here.  ROYAL ANAGRAMS virtually validates all of the work and research you find here.  You will believe everything read and implied when you know the ROYAL ANAGRAMS, plus you are more likely to remember most of it too.  Some stories here started long before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.  Visit ROYAL ANAGRAMS first, so that you understand the points made at other pages.  From ROYAL ANAGRAMS, visit the HOME page, and read the goals of the LAYORLIAR website.  As you read at the HOME page, one goal is to prove that Alexei Romanov is under the RTH, Sr. grave marker seen below. -- In the HOME icon, Alexei is pictured in striped swim trunks like the 1959 1st edition Barbie.  The guitarist with Cheap Trick wears a similar top in the 1982 hit She's Tight.  I recommend the  Intellectual Property Law (IPL) tab next, which includes the Andy Warhol painting of the newspaper that was published the day I was born.  Plus the book titled Fourth of June from 1962 (my day and year of birth), along with more movie clips and doppelgangers.  After IPL go anywhere. ---- Click the Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") grave marker to read about HR493, which the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act, which went into effect on the 100th birthday of RTS, Sr. The DOPPELGANGERS icon is a small introduction of family photos and the look-a-like royals, models, celebs, etc. ---- There is more of that at the TWILIGHT ZONE tab.  Remember what happened to Dan Hollis at Anthony Freemont's birthday party?  The Twilight Zone is peppered with WORD SEARCH puzzles, and information on a few episodes which have already been identified as your favorites. DUGOUT WITH WEIRD SCIENCE is as macabre as TWILIGHT ZONE. From there, tour the pages of TWA847, PAN AM FLIGHT 103,  and ON MY LAST FULL DAY IN EUROPE (PAA73) for airplane drama.  SPY GAMES LEO and RKH tabs are meant to entertain you mostly, but will also assist you in 'decrypting' secret 'babble' planted in movies, tv shows, books, puzzles, etc.  And finally, McDONALD'S BRICK explains the purpose of jots.  Save that tab for the end of your tour of the LAYORLIAR webpage.  

Click the icon above to return to the TIMELINE.

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