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John Dempsey Hollis

Was John Dempsey Hollis the one who became the step father of  Alexei Romanoff, or was his role only to prepare a child's American identity for a royal family in crisis abroad?  Tzar Nicholas II lost his throne in the February Revolution of 1917.  Then the Red Army (communists) eventually defeated the White Army (anti-communists) in Russia's Civil War from November 1917 - October 1922.  The anagram of the J.D.H.'s American child that's closest in age to Alexei Romanoff is "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE."  You have the rest of the story about Alexei at the HOME tab. 


Let's do a John Dempsey Hollis anagram that establishes some legitimacy to the claims made at the webpage here.  Here's what happened out of Japan:  With a few letters left over, a new proper noun was created  which eventually grew into a clothing line.  According to wikipedia, this happened on 12-22-1998.  The word is 'Domo.'  

And the anagram for John Dempsey Hollis is:


If you're not yet fluent with  the royal anagrams of Charles, William, Louis, and Charlotte, you shouldn't be on this page yet.  Go

to the ROYAL ANAGRAMS icon at the bottom of this page.  


Still tracking....  This military registration is for the man who was the father of Robert T. Hollis.   The decades long contingency plan out of the U.S. to rescue a destabilized European royal family in distress was finally forced to fruition in 1918.  It was how John Dempsey Hollis became the step father of Alexei Romanov.  His date-of-birth on the card above is 10-6-1872.  See below.

It's easy to remember John's birthday 10/6 if you keep a handle on it.  

John's number is 10/6;  a.k.a. 106  

In Atlanta, only the '2' is missing at the end of the radio call number.  Almost John's date of birth in 1872.  

But why is it important to remember  John's birthday of October 6?
In one word, the answer is Cryptology.  One example is the comic book you'll find on this page.  Back in 1973, this issue is #106 (that's the birthday), and inside THERE'S A WORD SEARCH!!!  You'll understand the relevance when you review what's the publisher did with #106.  

The 10/6 lid from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is the oldest handle on John's date-of-birth that I've discovered.  As the circa 1910 postcards below show, 'lid' is another name for 'hat.'

Alice in Wonderland became an 'Intellectual Propery Law (IPL)' anchor of Alexei Romanov's new American home.  The Mad Hatter's TOPPER has the JDH birthday of   10/6.  Click on the illustration above to read about the problems with the 1800's illustrators.  

Alice in Wonderland and The Mad Hatter are not new discoveries concerning the IPL values of John Dempsey Hollis as the father of Alexei Romanov.  Donna Summers back in 1980 agreed to place the 'Alice in Wonderland' marker in her song titled The Wanderer, and opened her video with a rising sun.  I was a new freshman at Clayton Jr. College for just a few days when this song was released on 9-11-1980. In the video, Donna Summers wears a foil hat, which for decades even prior to the 1970's was associated with film and literary publications as a way to prevent space aliens other 'forces' from reading your mind.  The foil hat is also symbolic of 'conspiracy,' as you see from clicking to Wierd Al's video FOIL, which is a parody of Royals by Lorde.   Lifted from his lyrics there:  'there's a big conspiracy.'  

A Mary Ann was British term for SERVANT GIRL.  Click above for Jon Sol's Part 2 of Alice in Wonderland.  

Yikes!  The Whites become Reds - Part 3

Click on the Queen of Hearts to see PART 1 of Jon Solo's interpretations of Lewis Carroll's (his real name is Charles Dodgson) Alice in Wonderland.  Do that anagram yourself, and finally, after all these years, you know why the Queen of Hearts looks much like Wilma Flintstone's husband.  

Part 4

Who is John Tenniel?   His anagram is "THEN J. LENO IN."  But I'm a little bit ahead of myself.  John Tenniel is the illustrator for Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  As mentioned before, Alice in Wonderland became an 'Intellectual Propery Law (IPL)' anchor of Alexei Romanov's new American home, and it remains and IPL anchor for his old home, and the homes of others with the HOLLIS name.  The IPL can used by many cryptic ways.  Paramore's Ignorance is an example.  The video was released in July 2009, which is one month before the accused Pan Am bomber is released from Scotland (see the PAA103 tab at the bottom of the HOME page), the band has gotten big, like Alice in the illustration above.   The lyrics for Ignorance are based on a true story.  Imagine a squatter who keeps returning to your house that is on the rental market.  That happened to me with my rental in East Atlanta Village.  It's as if the squatter named Stephanie Edwards had written the lyrics to me herself back in 2004.  A tab concerning the fire, the contractor, the courts, State Farm's claim that I was running a brothel.... is coming soon.  I liked Paramore's Alice in Wonderland scene in the Ignorance video, so it's below for now.  Another Paramore video, Brick by Boring Brick, uses Germany's classified OPERATION AUTUMN LEAVES 'investigation gone wrong' case, and is at the PAA103 tab.  Back in 1988, charges against all defendants charged in OPERATION AUTUMN LEAVES were dropped. 

I recently located a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland that has the John Tenneil illustrations inside.  I was looking for 'evidence' that attorneys and intelligence communities today call Intellectual Property Law.     Here's what I discovered:  'Hollis' was known by Charles Dodgson, who used the pen name 'Lewis Carroll.'  And this is how I discovered that 'evidence:"  I did as many anagrams as I could of the author's three names:  Lewis Carroll, Charles Dodgson, and Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.  I discovered that there are many illustrations that are themed with the more than 15 anagrams I came up with.  For example, "CAD GOT 'SUDDEN GROW' ILLS, EH?" is an anagram of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson that's themed with the page 45 illustration that's seen three images above this text box.  Take a moment to look at the illustration from page 45, and review that 'sudden grow ills' anagram. 


The letters for 'Hollis' can only be found in the Charles Lutwidge Dodgson name.   I was very surprised that the anagram had a genealogy  'handle' with it, but it makes sense when you ponder all of the other examples of IPL at this 'John Dempsey Hollis' tab.  The anagram that goes with the illustration directly above is "WE GET HOLLIS **** SUD CARD."  Those four missing letters make a word that's a bit raunchy, so you you'll have to figure the rest out for yourself.   The anagram refers to genealogy 'laundering,' as opposed to money laundering.  

On Robert Thomas Hollis' professed date-of-birth (the son of J.D.H.), 11-21-1909, the article above appeared in the New York Times.  The Allen F. Read verdict is in.  And themed with  Alice's 'down the rabbit hole,' the Allen F. Read anagram is "FALLEN.  READ."  As you know, or will know, from other pages here at LAYORLIAR, theses 'coincidences' are called Intellectual Property Law (IPL).  A bit more than 10 years after the article above was published (and still exploring Alice in Wonderland IPL values)...  

Warren Gamaliel Harding is elected President.  He died in office before conclusion of the Teapot Dome Scandal.  Teapot Dome, Wyoming got its name from the rock formation on the postcard above, but it is published that Teapot Dome lots its teapot'handle' as erosion continued through the years.  It used to look like a teapot.  However, if you haven't read about its history, I think that the structure now looks like odd abstract  characters clustered together for the tea party.  Teapot Dome, Wyoming was the location of massive reserves of oil that were under the management of the U.S. Navy, which was transferring its fuel requirements from coal to oil.  Harding transferred management of the reserves to the Department of Interior, and the Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, who granted drilling rights to several oil companies in exchange for gifts.  He spent 6 months in prison for bribery.  Here's a twist that you've never been told in history class before:  

You recall that Lewis Carroll is the author's pen name for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and that Charles Lutwidge Dodgson is the author's birth name.  The C.L.D. anagram is "LET'S CLUE W.G. HARDING'S DODO."   Yes, President Harding's name is in the anagram, and there's even a reference to the dodo bird, unless you go with the other double meaning.  The Teapot Dome became one of the largest scandals in American history, yet my research locates only 6 months in jail, total, for everyone, which was exclusively Albert Bacon Fall.   Let's do some more of Alice:  

Publishers of The Looking Glass, a late 1800's Atlanta newspaper that has the same name as Lewis Carroll's second book, brought us Atlanta: It's Lore, Legends, and Laughter.  The 1968 Atlanta author's anagram is "STOLEN BOY RIDE.  LIE," and although the book does not cover Alexei Romanov's story in Atlanta and  Monroe, GA,  it did cover the Atlanta High plane crash at Orly Air Field in Paris.  

Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit - The 1960's lyrics take you back to Alice and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  Jefferson Airplane started in 1965 when I was three years old.  Grace Slick, above, married Jerry Slick six days after my parents were married in 1961.  My research at the net yielded nothing concerning who "Copper Penny Music" is on the LP above, but the band Copperpenny, with a Ken Hollis at vocals (not me), began in 1965 out of Canada.  The tracking number on this LP, which is on the left side of the LP above the dog, is 47-9248.  The American date version of the number 9248 is the eve of 9348, which is the date that Norman Rockwell's The Dugout was published on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post.  That painting is at the WEIRD SCIENCE tab.  For the later born Millennials that never knew, from 1949 on into the 1970's, women who suspected they were pregnant could find out for sure at the doctor, but the test killed a rabbit (google 'rabbit test' at wiki).  Yes, "the rabbit died" was eventually replaced by "the stick is blue!"  

There is a baby in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and the clip from the 1972 movie, one of many, is above.   Where have you been at this web page?  How far into it are you at the moment?  If not now, it's later that the clip above will remind you of the Andy Warhol painting of the New York Mirror, 6-4-1962.  LOL.  But I also found this clip an astounding complement to  W.G. Harding scandal you read about at this page earlier.  It was the Teapot Dome scandal that captured all of the media's attention back in the early years of his administration, but four years after his death in office,  his former secretary, Nan Britton, published The President's Daughter, which was sold door-to-door in brown paper wrapping.  Harding's daughter, Elizabeth Ann Blaesing, had been born a year before the 1920 Presidential elections.  The day after Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Blaesing died (11-17-2005), the New York Times reviewed a 2003 porn film titled Blackmail Boy, which was playing at the Quad Cinema in Manhattan.  

And what does a Pac Man game cartridge have to do with The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland?  Actually, it's John Tenniel's illustration of the White King, found in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, that's relevant here.  On the game cartridge above, I underlined the cartridge number:  CX2646.  Backwards, the number is 6462, which is my date-of-birth.   If you've been all over this LAYORLIAR website, you know that's also the date of the New York Mirror that Andy Warhol painted titled 129 Die In Jet!  And what does Pac-Man eat?  With the large three dimensional Pac-Man image on the game cartridge, you see that he eats sandwiches.   I have drawn the other arrow to the two dimensional Pac-Man image on the left.  It looks like a pie with a missing piece.  If you look John Tenniel's illustration from Through the Looking Glass, you see it there.  The White King is accepting a slice of pie.  

Actually, the White King is accepting a ham sandwich.   Pac-Man eats cherries, and power cookies.  That's how illustrators 'talk' in the world of Intellectual Property.  Lets take it a bit further:  

You've accepted the Pac-Man game cartridge number and probably agree with the points made concerning the illustration of the Pac-Man cartridge.  The ad above provides the EXACT date that Atari Pac-Man cartridge customers will be able to purchase their home video game:  April 3, 1982.  In the UK that day, The Lion Sleeps Tonight by Tight Fit reached number 1.  It was a remake of The Token's version released 11-17-1961.  The Midnight Sun was the episode that same day on The Twilight Zone.  I was conceived about 10 weeks prior to 11-17-1961; and my parents weren't lion.  If you watch the Tight Fit video below, you will twice see their use of the looking glass.  Another remake was the movie Cat People,  which was released April 4.   Of course, with the title Cat People, you're reminded of the infamous grinning cheshire cat that Alice meets in Lewis Carroll's work.  

released 11-17-1961

So, to recap, the video above (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) reached number 1 in the UK the same week that Atari's Pac-Man went on sale here in the U.S., and the band Tight Fit twice makes use of the looking glass, plus...

... the name of the band reminded me of Atlanta's Tight Squeeze art festival that begins the same day I return from Europe.  With the words "Tight Squeeze," I was thinking airplane seats.  This poster is used in other places here at LAYORLIAR.  And finally, it was the day after Atari's Pac-Man was released that the film Cat People was released, but oops... 

...this is the movie poster of the 1942 version of the film.   Anyway, now you have an idea how to follow a trail of Intellectual Property.   I don't know if I need to remind you here that we've gone from Alexei's father (Alice in Wonderland) back to me (Pac-Man 6462), and we skipped over Dad (82533), and didn't mention Alexei (i.e. granddad - 112109) either, because I didn't see anything come up when I was searching the net.  I definitely want to see the movies I've mentioned here to see if the IPL touches others in the bloodline.  

Moving on with great grandpa John Dempsey Hollis...

Here's another card:

This 1932 U.S. Carmel card is of the famous heavyweight boxer Jack Dempsey.  Jack's real name is not John, which is what the card above reads.  Jack's real name was William Harrison Dempsey.  This card was a misprint, but now it's an 'on purpose' misprint.  That makes the 'mistake' a bigger value in the world of IPL, and the claims made here about John Dempsey Hollis become more convincing.    Jack Dempsey was also known as the Manassa Mauler, and Kid Blackie.  Jack Dempsey had a brother named John Dempsey who made the NY Times in July 1927 when he shot and killed his wife, then himself.

And here's that name again.  John Dempsey was the name of an illustrator at Playboy Magazine.  A relation to the naval hero?  I don't know.  To my knowledge, no relation to great granddad John Dempsey Hollis.  





If you anagram the tracking number on this LP, you get John Dempsey Hollis' date-of-birth, which as mentioned already under this tab, is 10-6-72.  John was named by his father, Francis Marion Hollis.  Frank was named after the famous Revolutionary War general.  Click on the image above to get to another John Dempsey.  A real hero in the water, who I suspect Frank knew personally.  

Click arrow above to be taken to a place where heroes are made, and where bills wither.  i.e., it's in the navy.... and this is the boat John Dempsey served on.   

Francis Marion (John's father's name)

This PONDEROSA STEAK HOUSE ad is captioned "Have a Lovely Day," which is themed with the Bill Withers LP "Just a Lovely Day."  The anagram of the 'hostess' in the ad just buttresses the remarks above about the 'tracking number' of the Bill Withers' LP.  This is not a coincidence.  An attorney would call it "Intellectual Property Law."  

Click above for a 'jot' tour.  

Alexei Romanov is 4 years old when this New Years Day postcard is used.  Click above to see what is published on 11-21-1909, the day that Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") is born to John Dempsey Hollis, and Annie Hale Hollis.   

Now you can click on the figure above and tie up some loose ends.  Where do I go if this link vanishes??   More to come....   

 There's nothing cryptic here about Arthur Miller's rework of Henrik Ibsen's play.  It premiered at Broadhurst Theatre on Gladys Hollis' birthday in 1950.   No time travel icon for the reader to click to yet, but make note that the Henrik Ibsen anagram is "KEN H. SIRE BIN."   I'm Ken H., the web designer.  aka. Kenny    You can click on the photo above to go to the MARILYN MONROE tab.  

As promised:  The ROYAL ANAGRAMS tab is above, which you should visit before this page.  The HOME tab at the top of your PC, or the HOME icon, takes you to the goals of the LAYORLIAR website here, plus lots of other icons to 'surf' to.  

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