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Watch the red box.  This is how you do an anagram:




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In his essay The Decay of Lying, Oscar Wilde wrote that "life imitates art far more than art imitates life." 

As the old subscribers to the HERALD OF FREE ENTERPRISE newsletter already know, the arguments are convincing that RTH, Sr., my granddad, was Alexei Romanov.  What are my qualifications on the subject?  I discovered years ago that the path back was plotted for decades before my birth.  Arguably, I was even scooped by author Steven Berry with The Romanov Prophecy.  Here's one sample to buttress my legitimacy to manage the subject at this webpage.   You may need to be on you computer to read words at the image below.  This is the anagram of Prince Charles, born 11-14-1948.  As you see below, the full name ROBERT THOMAS HOLLIS is within the anagram.  That was my father, RTH, Jr., and my grandfather, RTH, Sr.   Again, this is from 1948:   

Other royal anagrams relevant to the HOLLIS family are at the menu bar above under the word ANAGRAM.  My favorite there is the Prince Louis anagram, which I have conveniently place at this page just below.  This website is a 'teaser;' i.e., it's a small sample of the information I have collected through the years, and that I am hoping to market.  But instead of starting with Robert Thomas Hollis (i.e. granddad- b. 1909), let's start with me, Robert Kenneth Hollis.  I have traveled a lot in my lifetime, and much of that is on the TIMELINE (the icon to get there is at the bottom of this page), but also, 'all about me' at the TIMELINE begins with an Andy Warhol painting of the New York Mirror.  Warhol painted the front page of the newspaper from 6-4-1962, which is the day I was born.  Click that date at the TIMELINE tab, 6-4-1962, to see an explanation of why Warhol painted that Mirror cover, and also to see a copy of that Warhol painting titled 129 Die in Jet!.  Now that you are completely 'fluent' with the Prince Charles anagram above, check out the more recent anagram of William and Kate's youngest child Prince Louis, born April 23, 2018:  

The WORD SEARCH puzzles are all over this website, and themed with the subject on the page where I placed them.  They're found in CLOSER magazine, and also the NATIONAL ENQUIRER, the GLOBE, and the NATIONAL EXAMINER.  Here's an example of one:  

And what's the point of all of this on-going work with the WORD SEARCH puzzles, and the royal palaces of Europe?  One goal is to prove that Robert Thomas Hollis, born 1909 per U.S. census reports, was actually Alexei Romanov, who survived the Bolshevik Revolution.  Alexei Romanov's life hasn't been done the way I have done it here.  More about that is at the tab on the menu bar above:  TWO CAN PLAY.  But now that you are completely 'fluent' with the Prince Charles anagram above, and the more recent anagram of William and Kate's youngest child Prince Louis, check out the anagrams below of my name, Robert Kenneth Hollis:  

This anagram of my full name is inspired from the 1982 film Airplane 2:  The Sequel.  There's more on that airplane subject at the TIMELINE tab on the date 12-21-1988.  Click on the words 'page 3' on that date.  

Great doll shows at ADULT SWIM.  

What a difference punctuation can make.   I'm craving Burger King.  Later, go to the 11-24-1985 date at the TIMELINE tab.  

Mom was playing Princess Margaret in this scene.  Not really.  

You now know anagrams and are ready to begin surfing the pages here at LAYORLIAR.  I recommend you review all of the other anagrams (they're mostly royal) that can be found under the word ANAGRAMS on the menu bar at the top of the page.  The oldest so far is from the year 1882.  Another good place to start is at the TIMELINE, which is at the icon below.  

Click the icon above to go from the HOME tab here, to the TIMELINE that ultimately will tell most.  

Ignore the counter on the other pages as it only works once, and it only works at the page that you came in on.

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