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Rho Alpha Beta

A day of college

College was loads of fun.  I arrived in Athens for the first time ever in December 1982 to find an apartment.  I moved in just after the new year in 1983 and classes on the quarter system started a couple of days later.  That first winter quarter I would walk to classes from the efficiency apartments near the Chicopee building.  In April, I began work at the Red and Black Newspaper, which was at 123 North Jackson Street downtown.   The student run paper was no longer affiliated with UGA.  The paper was not run by student volunteers, which is what they claim at Wikipedia.  I sold ad space for a 10 percent commission.  A full page ad for one day for the M-Th daily was $1000.  My biggest client was an electronics company called Hi-Fi Buys.  They ran a full page ad every week for the first six weeks of every quarter.  Most of my clients would complete the 50 column inch contract for $250 each quarter.  That usually meant 5 ten inch ads and my cut was $5 each.  I averaged about $1 above minimum wage with my account territory working 25-30 hours/week.  I made less in the summer months, because the daily became a weekly for June, July and August.  Below is an issue of The Red and Black Newspaper that I kept from May 2, 1984.  According to the search engine at Google, this is the same day that Lithuanian futball star Saulius Mikoliunas was born.  

And as you read in the first paragraph of the Gene Roddenbury story seen below, "the subject was the future".   And of course, here we are 35+ years later.  

And check out Gene's tie.  I was reminded of Bill Gate's Microsoft logo; 1992 - 2000.  Anyway, back to 1984...  Though it was open to all on campus, I was fortunate enough to have been invited to Gene Roddenberry's lecture.  I had watched Star Trek as a kid, but Lost in Space and The Rifleman were my favorites in the elementary school years.  Gene Roddenberry gave a phenomenal lecture to three hundred of us, and then we all watched the pilot episode The Cage.  The lecture was one of several highlights of my two years in Athens.  I became a Star Trek fan forever.  Gene mentioned the possibility of a 'reboot,' (not the word they used back then) and explained the benefits of syndication.  Next Generation premiered 3 years later with the episode titled Encounter at Farpoint.  

I was not forward thinking enough to have saved the article about Gene Roddenberry's lecture.  I kept the May 2, 1984 issue of the paper because my name is in Tommy Sims article about the Annual Downtown Athens Bed Race.  Other than the daily staff box where I was credited as Advertising Sales Rep., this was the only time my name appeared in print.  I was the PAB (our Red and Black business fraternity) bed captain.  

  As you see from the WORD SEARCHes below....

...they still talk about us.  And who are these PAB's?:  

IDK.  But us PABs had red and black PAB jerseys.  

I was glad that a Ron Coddington illustration was in the R&B issue that I saved. Ironically, this one is about one of my favorite clients, Bob Russo, whose restaurateur history included Gyro Wrap, The Grill, Chow Goldsgteins, and Rocky's Pizzeria.   Ron's rare talent as an artist rivals that of Mad Magazine cartoonist Jack Davis, who also was a former Red and Black staff member, and started an off-campus comic publication called Bullsheet.  

Berke Breathed didn't go to college with us; he was syndicated.   His comic also appears in the May 2, 1984 issue of the R&B paper.  

In 2000, this Teresa Edwards was named by Sports Illustrator as number 22 of the top 100 female atheletes of the 20th century.  She is also a 4 time Olympic Gold Medalist winner.   On June 13, 2015, this Janet Harris was inducted into the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame.  Vern Fleming also won a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics, and went on to play professional basketball for 12 more years.  Out of Kentucky was Melvin Turpin, who died in 2010.  Sam Bowie, also from Kentucky, became iconic enough in the sport to do this:  

My last day at the University of Georgia was June 4, 1985, which was also my 23rd birthday.  I took my final exam for Dr. Lee's Advertising Law class.  From there, I made my way to D.C., then New York to meet up with Club Europa, then on June 16, 1985, on to Athens Greece.  

So many co-workers in Athens GA that I missed tremendously after college.  If you're an old 'Red and Blacker' that worked with me, you may recall that I went to Greece with the Club Europa college tour group, and sent you all a postcard that Harry taped to the office window there at 123 North Jackson Street.  It mentioned 'hanging out at the nude beaches.'  In July, Andy Warhol is going to paint the cover of the New York Post, which is why I've circled the magazine that's photographed on the June 1985 cover of Playboy above.  Andy's work is titled 'I AM NOT ASHAMED,' and it features the story about old 1979 photos of Madonna that will be published in Playboy and Penthouse in September 1985.  1985 was the first year that Greece had nude beaches.  What they didn't teach you in the Henry Grady School of Journalism, but what you already know by now... how to do anagrams.  The article at right mentions my distant cousins from England, and is also from the issue of Playboy, June 1985.  Frank Cooper makes marmalade for Britain's royal family, and the anagram is "A CROP FOR KEN."  Playboy illustrator John Dempsey, on the left, shares the same name as my great grandfather John Dempsey Hollis.  Also from the June 1985 issue of Playboy magazine is the Marilyn Monroe sling chair seen below.  Marilyn has an entire page from the drop down menu under the ANAGRAMS tab above.  And to the right of the sling chair... this piece of metal art that's 'your silent servant' called THE MAN.  In less than 4 years, he will appear again as "Mr. Brigham."  To read the AJC newspaper article about Mr. Brigham, by metal artist Peter Watson, go to the TIMELINE page by clicking the icon below, then scroll down to the date 1-13-1989.  For you part-timers on the Editorial Staff, Ms. Brigham worked several hours a day at the office doing the newspaper layouts, and managing the classified ads.  She did not return to school in 1985 due to a terminal brain tumor.  The comic below was published in Playboy in September 1985...  

...which is the same month that the plane crash in Jenkinburg GA killed my skydiving jumpmaster, Jeff Saunders, and Fotomat's Customer Service Agent Carol Gordon.  Click the TIMELINE icon below, and scroll down to September 30, 1985 to get to that page about the Georgia plane crash that killed 17.  

-this concludes a day of college-

Click the icon above to return to the TIMELINE.


The links below will navigate you through much of the web page here.  ROYAL ANAGRAMS virtually validates all of the work and research you find here.  You will believe everything read and implied when you know the ROYAL ANAGRAMS, plus you are more likely to remember most of it too.  Some stories here started long before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.  Visit ROYAL ANAGRAMS first, so that you understand the points made at other pages.  From ROYAL ANAGRAMS, visit the HOME page, and read the goals of the LAYORLIAR website.  As you read at the HOME page, one goal is to prove that Alexei Romanov is under the RTH, Sr. grave marker seen below. -- In the HOME icon, Alexei is pictured in striped swim trunks like the 1959 1st edition Barbie.  The guitarist with Cheap Trick wears a similar top in the 1982 hit She's Tight.  I recommend the  Intellectual Property Law (IPL) tab next, which includes the Andy Warhol painting of the newspaper that was published the day I was born.  Plus the book titled Fourth of June from 1962 (my day and year of birth), along with more movie clips and doppelgangers.  After IPL go anywhere. ---- Click the Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") grave marker to read about HR493, which the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act, which went into effect on the 100th birthday of RTS, Sr. The DOPPELGANGERS icon is a small introduction of family photos and the look-a-like royals, models, celebs, etc. ---- There is more of that at the TWILIGHT ZONE tab.  Remember what happened to Dan Hollis at Anthony Freemont's birthday party?  The Twilight Zone is peppered with WORD SEARCH puzzles, and information on a few episodes which have already been identified as your favorites. DUGOUT WITH WEIRD SCIENCE is as macabre as TWILIGHT ZONE. From there, tour the pages of TWA847, PAN AM FLIGHT 103,  and ON MY LAST FULL DAY IN EUROPE (PAA73) for airplane drama.  SPY GAMES LEO and RKH tabs are meant to entertain you mostly, but will also assist you in 'decrypting' secret 'babble' planted in movies, tv shows, books, puzzles, etc.  And finally, McDONALD'S BRICK explains the purpose of jots.  Save that tab for the end of your tour of the LAYORLIAR webpage.  

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