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It's easy to remember the face of Prince Friedrich (I think they call him Prince Wilhelm now) of the Prussian Empire (1911-1966) since he looks so much like my Dad (1942 &1950 photos above if you're viewing with a computer).  Watch his performance below in Alien Aunt Farm's hit "Smooth Criminal."  He's wearing a yellow ET shirt.

Ralph Hollis was born in Georgia and died at Pearl Harbor.   Granddad never knew of him, but was sent to Pearl Harbor as one of the many replacements of the servicemen lost that day.  Ralph's photo is at the National Archives in Morrow GA, and if you click his photo above, you're taken to the U.K.'s Daily Mail article featuring Princess Margaret's son Lord Lindley (r), who certainly qualifies as his doppleganger.  

This is me sitting in Aunt Ruth's lap in San Bernadino CA in September 1972.  The brown/white photo is of Alex Romanov, who looked much like me circa 1912.  Ruth O. Timms was born in East Point GA and moved to CA with husband Ernie Harris in the 1950's.  Her sister Lois was married to my granddad, RTH, Sr.  Ruth was with the San Bernadino Board of Education and also worked with a team that included actress Rosemary DeCamp that opened a bird egg museum.  In 1993, our families and her friends and colleagues attended the opening of Ruth O. Harris Middle School.  You can get to the BULLDOGS by clicking photo above.    

Dean Friedman wrote a song in the seventies titled ARIEL, and this was later made into a music video that got a good bit of airplay on MTV in 1984, when I was in college with cable.  PRETTY BOY PRODUCTIONS also made the Knack's video for GOOD GIRLS DON'T.  You'll recognize RTH Jr.'s  face here from Monroe Comprehensive High School in both videos.   A bit of trivia:  RTH, Jr. went to 11th grade in high school and graduated in 1951.  For all the lower classes,  the requirement for a high school diploma became 12 years.  Here in the U.S., there was no high school class of 1952.  

Alex Raymond's (anagram:  "ALEX DAY ON, MR.") Flash Gordon was published in the Sunday Funnies on January 7, 1934, just a year after the discovery of neutrons.  The Flash Gordon TV show featured actor Steve Holland as Flash, who is an RTH.Sr. look-a-like.  After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, RTH Sr. was among the regiment of replacements sent to Hawaii.  Although he was not a pilot, he was among those who flew reconnaissance missions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Click the photo for startling info concerning 1909 Russian nuclear physics.  

Click on the postcard above to see what's published in the Atlanta paper the same day that RTH, Sr. was born in GA (1910 Census Report records him as Robert P. Hollis).

Shank was married to GB Hollis.  She looked much like the actress Estell Winwood, seen below in a clip from The Magic Sword.  She also looked like Wallis Simpson, wife of England's abdicated King.  

above:  Wallis Simpson watches Queen Elizabeth coronation.

above:  Estelle Winwood in The Magic Sword (1963).





GB for




in an

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And this is GB Hollis, who was born 3-8-1912, just a few weeks before the Titanic sank.  Shank, GB, and RTH Sr.'s baby spent some years in Germany after the war.  GB's 'doppleganger' seen below with Ann Savage is actor Tom Neal in the film Detour.    Tom also played Taro Seki in the film Behind the Rising Sun

I found 'THE EASY MARK' 1910 postcard (that's a pre-Romanov assassination date) at a postcard show several years ago, and purchased it because I recognized the face from my on-line research at the National Archives in Morrow GA.  I was startled to later do the anagram and discover that John Sander's Hollis (anagram:  "L-LOSERS JOIN H-HANDS.") was another relative being 'mocked' in the publishing industry way back.  I wish I knew the rest of the story.  John Sanders Hollis was born in GA on 9-28-1872, just two weeks before John Dempsey Hollis, my g-grandfather whose  "character to be" knew everything to do in that production that's goaled at the HOME tab.  

My face was published in the Atlanta Constitution on 11-21-1909, the same day that Granddad was born.  That was 110 years ago.  Click the b/w Prince's image above for that look-a-like photo of me.  Learn there what law happened on the 100th birthday (11-21-2009) of RTH, Sr.  This is designed to navigate you thru three TABS.  When you end up back here the second time, click the 2003 Hunt's ad for a ghost story.  


Alexei Romanov

Geneticists will tell you that your facial features are half Mom's and half Dad's.  Russia's theory that is implied from the graphic below is that the faces travel like a photo in the DNA, and therefore can appear again centuries later in the same bloodline.  In other words, your 'twin' was walking around in 1750, and will be back later too.  But of course, 'the look' is not likely to remain the same for a lifetime.  Eventually, there may be a breakthrough in DNA studies that will prove this to be true.  From a newly released photo of Alexei Romanov above, you see my resemblance to the Tsarevich (Lexico Publishing on-line spelling).  RTH, Sr. and Gladys commented on my similarity decades ago when looking at a snow photo of Alexei published in the Robert K. Massie's 1967 authoritative biography Nicholas and Alexandra.  The WORD SEARCH puzzle from November 1973 issue of the comic book I Love You confirms again that I was known in the publishing industry back then too.  

Bobolinks?  (#14 above) They're birds that are indigenous to Canada and the Northern and Western parts of the U.S.   Below?  Yes.  The same Ken H.  


The links below will navigate you through much of the web page here.  ROYAL ANAGRAMS virtually validates all of the work and research you find here.  You will believe everything read and implied when you know the ROYAL ANAGRAMS, plus you are more likely to remember most of it too.  Some stories here started long before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.  Visit ROYAL ANAGRAMS first, so that you understand the points made at other pages.  From ROYAL ANAGRAMS, visit the HOME page, and read the goals of the LAYORLIAR website.  As you read at the HOME page, one goal is to prove that Alexei Romanov is under the RTH, Sr. grave marker seen below. -- In the HOME icon, Alexei is pictured in striped swim trunks like the 1959 1st edition Barbie.  The guitarist with Cheap Trick wears a similar top in the 1982 hit She's Tight.  I recommend the  Intellectual Property Law (IPL) tab next, which includes the Andy Warhol painting of the newspaper that was published the day I was born.  Plus the book titled Fourth of June from 1962 (my day and year of birth), along with more movie clips and doppelgangers.  After IPL go anywhere. ---- Click the Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") grave marker to read about HR493, which the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act, which went into effect on the 100th birthday of RTS, Sr. The DOPPELGANGERS icon is a small introduction of family photos and the look-a-like royals, models, celebs, etc. ---- There is more of that at the TWILIGHT ZONE tab.  Remember what happened to Dan Hollis at Anthony Freemont's birthday party?  The Twilight Zone is peppered with WORD SEARCH puzzles, and information on a few episodes which have already been identified as your favorites. DUGOUT WITH WEIRD SCIENCE is as macabre as TWILIGHT ZONE. From there, tour the pages of TWA847, PAN AM FLIGHT 103,  and ON MY LAST FULL DAY IN EUROPE (PAA73) for airplane drama.  SPY GAMES LEO and RKH tabs are meant to entertain you mostly, but will also assist you in 'decrypting' secret 'babble' planted in movies, tv shows, books, puzzles, etc.  And finally, McDONALD'S BRICK explains the purpose of jots.  Save that tab for the end of your tour of the LAYORLIAR webpage.  

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