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The McDonald's Jot. 

We've called it the McDonald's brick since we moved into the brand new house in 1968.  The house, and it's jot, is still owned by the original family, us.   It was just a coincidence that it ended up exposed beside the double doors on the back of the house, rather than sandwiched between two other bricks, so we thought.  What are the odds against this jot exposure happening randomly?  Less than 1 percent.  







As you see here, it's all about genealogy.  

The Scottish word for 'little girl' is 'lassie,' and that was the name of the tv show starring Jan Clayton (anagram:"JOT A N.Y. CLAN." or "CLAN JOT?  NAY.") Anyway, our home construction began in 1967, and our brand new brick jot was discovered when we moved into the house in 1968.  If you locate your brick with it's jot, maybe you'll figure out how others are using it.  Examples below:  

The GLOBE in April 2019 has sent a cryptic message using an anagram puzzle box which I've deciphered and typed in the SOLUTION box above.  M.L.H. is my sister who was 3 when we move into the newly finished house with the McDonald's jot.  I noticed that my solution to this puzzle box is themed with the front page headline FAMILY AT WAR!    i.e., I'm sure I solved the puzzle.    

Here's the Weekly World News that was on newsstands in 1985 as the hijacking of TWA847 (that's under another tab) was playing out.  My trip to Athens with the Club Europa college tour group was nearly canceled because of this incident.    A year later,  I spent a week in Paris, and have a paper McDonald's place mat in my scrap book.  

The Robert Edward Rubin signature is on this 1996 $20 bill. Robert was Secretary of the Treasury during both terms of  Bill Clinton's presidency and his anagram "ROBERT 'W' RUB DARED IN" reminds you that the symbol is on a brick and can be turned four different ways.  On its side, you'll see it as a capital 'B.'  And upside down, look how close it is to the Arabic symbol for 'Allah."  If you ever visit, I'll let you take home a jot rub.  The top top 40 music video linked on the bill above is The Impression that I Get  

The brick is now a 'W' jot that has a line through it.  I've turned the photo upside down just as easily as it would be to turn the brick upside down before it was layed into the house.  

The Allah symbol as a little 'w' over a big 'w' with an upside down check mark to the right.  You'd have everything you need to replicate a McDonald's logo if these marks were puzzle pieces.    

Antique Postcard by noted artist Fred Spurgin

His anagram is "COOL AD, KEN.  GRR...," and that's one of the reasons actor Gordon Clarke was used in a MacDonald's commercial.  He also played Gus Henchman in the 1967 Jackie Gleeson Show episode titled Hair to a Fortune.  grr...  This obit is 1972.   

Now it's a 'B' jot.  Click on the brick here to see why someone may one day care.  

The McDonald's brick is to my left at shoulder length.  Click photo for an amusing video from Paramore.  Just an FYI, the monarch butterflies sometimes fly over this house in GA, on their way back to Mexico.  

                     Stephen's Iron Crown, 1982  

by Robert Motherwell (1/24/1915 - 7/16/1991)

American Gothic by Grant Wood. anagram:  "W TAG 'N DOOR." 

click above....    

Yes.  Still under construction here

Yes.  Still under construction here

Yes.  Still under construction here

Yes.  Still under construction here

Yes.  Still under construction here


The links below will navigate you through much of the web page here.  ROYAL ANAGRAMS virtually validates all of the work and research you find here.  You will believe everything read and implied when you know the ROYAL ANAGRAMS, plus you are more likely to remember most of it too.  Some stories here started long before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.  Visit ROYAL ANAGRAMS first, so that you understand the points made at other pages.  From ROYAL ANAGRAMS, visit the HOME page, and read the goals of the LAYORLIAR website.  As you read at the HOME page, one goal is to prove that Alexei Romanov is under the RTH, Sr. grave marker seen below. -- In the HOME icon, Alexei is pictured in striped swim trunks like the 1959 1st edition Barbie.  The guitarist with Cheap Trick wears a similar top in the 1982 hit She's Tight.  I recommend the  Intellectual Property Law (IPL) tab next, which includes the Andy Warhol painting of the newspaper that was published the day I was born.  Plus the book titled Fourth of June from 1962 (my day and year of birth), along with more movie clips and doppelgangers.  After IPL go anywhere. ---- Click the Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") grave marker to read about HR493, which the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act, which went into effect on the 100th birthday of RTS, Sr. The DOPPELGANGERS icon is a small introduction of family photos and the look-a-like royals, models, celebs, etc. ---- There is more of that at the TWILIGHT ZONE tab.  Remember what happened to Dan Hollis at Anthony Freemont's birthday party?  The Twilight Zone is peppered with WORD SEARCH puzzles, and information on a few episodes which have already been identified as your favorites. DUGOUT WITH WEIRD SCIENCE is as macabre as TWILIGHT ZONE. From there, tour the pages of TWA847, PAN AM FLIGHT 103,  and ON MY LAST FULL DAY IN EUROPE (PAA73) for airplane drama.  SPY GAMES LEO and RKH tabs are meant to entertain you mostly, but will also assist you in 'decrypting' secret 'babble' planted in movies, tv shows, books, puzzles, etc.  And finally, McDONALD'S BRICK explains the purpose of jots.  Save that tab for the end of your tour of the LAYORLIAR webpage.  

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