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May 21, 2008:  President Bush signs the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act which is to take effect 18 months later, which will be 11-21-2009; the 100th birthday of Robert Thomas Hollis, Sr.  

From the HOME tab, you have read that Robert Thomas Hollis was actually Alexei Romanoff, Russia's tsarovich.  As you see from the grave marker above, RTH Sr. is said to be born 11-21-1909.  Why was that the date picked for Alexei's new identity?  Here's why:  A large meteorite struck Alabama in two places the day after that date-of-birth, and made the NY Times two days later.  The article titled TERRIFIED BY A METEOR is below.  Why is the meteorite story relevant to the birth of a royal hiding out in the United States?  In Simon Cox's 2004 book, Cracking the DaVinci Code, he mentions that like Jesus, all the aristocrat and royal families of Europe are descendant's of King David.  Historically, the king's wise men were always searching the stars for a celestial events that are to mark the birth of the messiah.  TERRIFIED BY A METEOR qualifies as such a celestial event.   This meteorite article gives support to the theory at the HOME tab that Robert Thomas Hollis, Sr. (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") was actually Alexei Romanoff.  The new identity and its anagram, along with the Alexei's new date-of-birth, was selected eight years prior to Russia's Civil War.  100 years later comes the passage of the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act.  They're still keeping track.  

Cracking the DaVinci Code, by Simon Cox, (c) 2004

Cracking the DaVinci Code, by Simon Cox, (c) 2004

John Dempsey Hollis and his handlers have created an identity for the U.S. census takers and any other government entity that will require a 'certification' or a license later on (such as the DMV, the DDS, and the SSA).  A century later, to the day, the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act went into effect.  They're still keeping track.  





 Act went 

 into effect on 






In June 1962, the month that I am born, a large meteor makes the cover of National Geographic.   National Geographic is only available via post office mail order subscriptions.  Oops.  That fire in the sky isn't a meteor, it's John Glenn coming down in a space capsule.  Note too, the article about "storks" in the National Geographic.  Storks deliver babies.  From the HOME tab at this web page, and the information above, you'll deduce that like the June 1962 National Geographic, the GRANDSON (that's me) of Alexei Romanoff (that's RTH, Sr.) is on the way.  

That's the same space capsule that hangs in the CONTROL lab in the TV show Get Smart.  The same one that made the cover of the June 1962 issue of National Geographic.  Keep moving ahead for more examples of how these issues of Intellectual Property Law come together.  

The guy in the car above is me, July 1980.  At a military university event in Russia in 2006, the student in uniform standing next to the bust of the grandmother of Alexei Romanoff looks much like me, and probably unbeknownst to him, other members of the royal families of Europe from centuries past.  You are beginning to understand the relevance of the similarity of facial features, and that it is all about DNA.  From the photos above, you can see that they have 'players' in Russia.  The application of that information to the GENETICS INFORMATION NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT holds only one commonality, which is DNA.  This photo out of the military university in Russia was taken the same year that I discovered  that granddad, RTH  Sr., was Alexei Romanov, and a year before Russia makes the claim that the remains of the Czar's two lost children have been found at a still undisclosed location (article below).   

Kenny 1976

Glamour 2011

Chances of the reader being convincing that his or her grandma or grandpa was a  missing Romanov are nil, but what are the odds that you too are a descendant from one of the royal families of Europe?  I started the search for an answer in 2006, and found it recently at wikipedia.  The chances are about 1.1 percent.  The graphic with its text below is from wikipedia, and can be found when you type "RUSSIAN NOBILITY" into your search engine.      

DNA researchers are way ahead of what is published in college textbooks and medical journals.  And the researcher's collection of faces on paper and faces in print or videography...  their collection is gigantic, and gets larger every year.  I call their printed collection of faces their  "DNA data base."    But that's only a theory.  But I am still working on the evidence that backs that theory up.  Check out the photos below of me on the left (unless you're viewing this on a small iPhone), and of the kid in the March 2011 Glamour Magazine spread.   My experience with the WORD SEARCH puzzles has me convinced that the kid in the Glamour mag looking so much like me in the 1970's is not a coincidence.   I also believe that the face on the right will be retrievable for more research years from now.  And my personal Jr. High face?  The 'researchers' probably have my printed face from the public Georgia school annuals.  By the way, the photo of me on the left was taken by an employee of the State of Georgia.   When did all of this start?    The answer is centuries ago, when the palaces began keeping paintings and sculptures of the royals in their royal archives and their royal museums.  

Wanna see another one?  The photo on the left is me on Christmas break from college, 1983.  On the right is a Norman Rockwell plate that was mail ordered out of his factory that same year:  1983.   

Kenny 1983

A 1920's illustrate Rockwell plate, 1983

It was probably with the use of some facial recognition software that a photo of 'me' prior to my birth was found and marketed out of the Rockwell estate that existed years before I was born.   There are loads of examples like the two you have here on this page.   When you find your face in print, you're likely to find your parents, siblings, aunts, cousins, etc., also.   If you're able to make that happen, then I believe you're part of that 1.1 percent estimate in that illustration above about how it worked with Russian nobility.  If that's the case, check newspaper archives from your familiar subject's date-of-birth, and see what you may find there.  Another relative's look-a-like face?  A celebrity, a politician, or a feature story about an unknown local whose anagram has a short name version the newborn's name.   Was there cryptic documentation of the newborn's birth in the book review that was published that day, or the day after?  You'll have to read the book to find it.  Movies to...  and so on...  But remember that the birth or Robert Thomas Hollis in 1909 was bigger than the population in that 1.1 percent.  So big, that it's making more sense that he's Alexei Romanov.  Especially because of the meteorite on 11-22-1909.  At any rate, it's still entertaining and not a waste of your time to check out these newspaper clippings from 11- 21&22 - 1909.    We'll start with Johnny Carson.   From the 11-22-1909 NY Times, we read  the Brooklyn Presbyterian clergyman's criticisms against Mary Baker G. Eddy's book which he claims are filled with pantheism, mysticism, idealism, and unrelated passages of Scripture to which fantastic meaning is given.  

And who was George Tennant?  He was director of the CIA from 1996 - 2004.  And as you see from the obit below, the other George Tennant is a young guy that died in New York the day before the birth of Robert Thomas Hollis (whose anagram is:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.").   George Tennant's anagram is below, and it is an anagram that makes fun of the possibility that if the identity of "Robert Thomas Hollis" (R.T.H., Sr.) was a fictitious creation by his parents John Dempsey Hollis & Annie Hale-Hollis, that doesn't mean that R.T.H., Sr. was Alexei Romanov.  Like in an episode of The Twilight Zone, it could mean that R.T.H., Sr. was a space alien.  "E.T.," you recall, stands for 'extraterrestrial.'  The anagram of George Tennant is "E.T. RANG.  TEN GONE."   

Back in 1909, the death of George Tennant was published the day before the large meteorite hit somewhere in two places in Alabama.  In the 1998 Irish film, Pete's Meteor, the meteorite prop used in the kid's back yard was the size of a small car.  As you see in the clip below, there is a scene where Tennant's anagram is 'parodied' in Pete's Meteor.  The point is that these 1909 articles are issues of Intellectual Property Law (IPL) concerning the date-of-birth of Alexei; or Robert Thomas Hollis, whose anagram is "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO LORE."     

A dollar princess is a wealthy American woman who seeks a British aristocrat who is in need of money.  A large dowry is paid by the American parents to the parents of the British aristocrat. Sometimes the broke aristocrat advertises for a dollar princess with hopes of finding the daughter of the self-made multimillionaire who has no social standing with the long time members of high society.  Winston Churchill's mother was a dollar princess from Brooklyn, NY.  The play by that name, Dollar Princess, is advertised on 11-21-1909.  

And the day after the birth of RTH, Sr., a new play begins in Paris titled SIRE.    Strangely enough, 50 years into the future, there's the name of a U.S. president published next to the SIRE article. John S. Kennedy (Scotland ancestry) is not likely related to John F. Kennedy (Irish).  At the John Dempsey Hollis tab, you read how his birth name is handled in "Wonderland."  The John F. Kennedy legacy was bound with "Camelot."     

THE AIR KING is another play with a royal 'handle' in the title.  It opened the day after the birth of R.T.H., Sr.    ---     Years later, there's more to be made of this 1909 bellboy, played by #John Slavin.  

Actually, about 36 years later.  R.T.H., Sr. and his wife are seven weeks away from childbirth when HER HIGHNESS AND THE BELLBOY is released 7-11-1945.  The film has a much higher priority in that cryptic world sorta way.  In other words, it's a 'must see.'  A 'must see' for anyone connected to their 1945 world of Intellectual Property Law.  I haven't seen this film yet, but from the theater placard, I recognized the face of a relative.  

Dagmar Midcap at CBS Atlanta weather looks much like the actress in the placard above.  Dagmar left for San Diego in 2010.  There's more to this 'doppleganger' coincidence than we will ever know.  You just throw a label on it called Intellectual Property Law.  It will probably happen again before 2155.  

"Off with their heads!!?"  "On with their heads?"   You get the idea.  This article ran in the New York Times the day after the birth of RTH, Sr.  Prior to movies and television, the 'doppleganger' issues of IPL were being done with wood block illustrations that ran mostly in the European newspapers.   Theater programs, illustrated covers of piano sheet music, and the royal portrait galleries in museums are among the mediums used to keep track of facial features that exist among those in the same bloodline.  When King Charles was beheaded in 1649, the crowd lined up to walk past his body, and were allowed to dip their white handkerchiefs in his blood.  They knew that the souvenir was evidence of the beheading event for generations later, and although they didn't know it would be called DNA, they knew that it was in the blood.  

I hope you have enjoyed each point from the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act page.  Click on the text box beneath the Kenneth Cole watch below, to see some of my other relatives and their dopplegangers.

 Click here for more of the family.

Kenneth Cole anagram:


Click the icon above to return to the TIMELINE.


The links below will navigate you through much of the web page here.  ROYAL ANAGRAMS virtually validates all of the work and research you find here.  You will believe everything read and implied when you know the ROYAL ANAGRAMS, plus you are more likely to remember most of it too.  Some stories here started long before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.  Visit ROYAL ANAGRAMS first, so that you understand the points made at other pages.  From ROYAL ANAGRAMS, visit the HOME page, and read the goals of the LAYORLIAR website.  As you read at the HOME page, one goal is to prove that Alexei Romanov is under the RTH, Sr. grave marker seen below. -- In the HOME icon, Alexei is pictured in striped swim trunks like the 1959 1st edition Barbie.  The guitarist with Cheap Trick wears a similar top in the 1982 hit She's Tight.  I recommend the  Intellectual Property Law (IPL) tab next, which includes the Andy Warhol painting of the newspaper that was published the day I was born.  Plus the book titled Fourth of June from 1962 (my day and year of birth), along with more movie clips and doppelgangers.  After IPL go anywhere. ---- Click the Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") grave marker to read about HR493, which the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act, which went into effect on the 100th birthday of RTS, Sr. The DOPPELGANGERS icon is a small introduction of family photos and the look-a-like royals, models, celebs, etc. ---- There is more of that at the TWILIGHT ZONE tab.  Remember what happened to Dan Hollis at Anthony Freemont's birthday party?  The Twilight Zone is peppered with WORD SEARCH puzzles, and information on a few episodes which have already been identified as your favorites. DUGOUT WITH WEIRD SCIENCE is as macabre as TWILIGHT ZONE. From there, tour the pages of TWA847, PAN AM FLIGHT 103,  and ON MY LAST FULL DAY IN EUROPE (PAA73) for airplane drama.  SPY GAMES LEO and RKH tabs are meant to entertain you mostly, but will also assist you in 'decrypting' secret 'babble' planted in movies, tv shows, books, puzzles, etc.  And finally, McDONALD'S BRICK explains the purpose of jots.  Save that tab for the end of your tour of the LAYORLIAR webpage.  

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