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Tracking Distant

Cousins continues

And with the new medium called moving pictures and television, there came a demand globally for methodologies for the film industry to keep up with Alexei and his family.  The same methodologies used by the publishers of Alice in Wonderland and many other works were maintained for the new medium called moving pictures and television.  The tracking continues.  The demand remains global for these methodologies and the information that supports them, and no serious film producer in Britain, France, Russia, etc., will ignore it.  Movie moguls know that ignoring it would lead to interference with distribution. 

  Alexei Romanov (aka. RTH, Sr.) lived in Monroe GA,  and the Marilyn Monroe anagram below helps make the point about "tracking." 


















For Robert T. Hollis, Sr.  (aka. Alexei Romanov), 1945 started out with a new baby on the way.   For Norma  Jeane Baker, January 1945 is the month that  she quit her job at the Radioplane Munitions Factory in Van Nuys CA and began modeling for the photographer David Conover.  When Norma Jeane  signs with Blue Book Model Agency in August 1945, her husband Jim Dougherty and Robert T. Hollis are both serving in the South Pacific.  Norma Jeane signs the same month that the atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima Japan.  It was a year later, August 1946, that she signed a six month contract with 20th Century Fox, and made the agreement with network executives that the Norma Jeane Baker would use the stage name of Marilyn Monroe, which anagrams to "MY MONROE LIAR 'N ", or " 'N MY MONROE LAIR."   Monroe, Georgia was the residence of RTH, Sr.  Unfortunately, the wife of RTH Sr. died giving birth to a daughter on September 4, 1945.   The daughter (also my aunt) currently lives in Lawrenceville, GA with her husband.   

Henrik Ibsen (anagram:"KEN H. SIRE BIN.") was a Norweigan playwright who died in 1906.  Arthur Miller did an adaptation of his play.    I'm Ken H., the web designer.  aka. Kenny    

This print of Marilyn was one of Andy Warhol's most iconic works.  Andy also painted the June 4, 1962 front page of the New York Mirror.  That's the day this web designer was born.  129 Die in Jet! currently hangs in a museum in Munich.  


R.T.H., Sr.

Marilyn not only kept up with the Hollis family, she married Alexei Romanoff's Hollywood doppleganger (from earlier years), Arthur Miller.  Here they are with actor Bob Jellison.  Uh, the guy in the cap looks like Bob Jellison.  

And here she is with Granddad in Savannah GA, a few years before this b/w photo of him is taken at Mom and Dad's wedding.  I know.  You were thinking Chet Huntley.  

Sometimes Alexei Romanov (aka RTH, Sr.) looked like NBC's Chet Huntley.  But only sometimes.  That's me in the Atlanta Braves cap.  1967.

Undoubtably, he new 'BOB FELLER' was RTH, Jr., son of RTH, Sr. (aka Alexei Romanov), who celebrated his one-year anniversary at Delta Air Lines in July, 1955.  

Marilyn at Romanoff's Restaurant in LA on November 6, 1954.  

Marilyn Monroe meets Queen Elizabeth 

Lois Aldrin with husband Buzz.  

Marilyn Monroe on the cover of the September 9, 1952 issue of Look magazine.  Angela Cartwright from Make Room for Daddy (LOL) was born on this day.  Trivia side note:  Angela worked with Billy Mumy in Lost in Space, who was born 2-1-1954 when Eddie Calvert's Oh Mein Papa was at the top of the charts in the UK.  You get information like this on-line when you do date searches.  Billy Mumy is featured at THE TWILIGHT ZONE tab, and was at Dan Hollis' birthday party in one of those episodes.  

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