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The Twilight Zone

If you've read the HOME tab and also reviewed the anagrams from Buckingham Palace, you're ready for the grandson of Alexei Romanov's cryptic decipher's from The Twilight Zone.  Everything you read about The Twilight Zone episodes here can be confirmed at the IMDB web pages if you're a doubter.  IMDB is where I got the names and broadcast dates of the shows.  I don't yet have the entire series on DVD, so as I make new discoveries with the old series, such as The Silence, I am updating this tab at the back end.   

It was in March, 1961, that 5 year old Billy Bayles (played by Billy Mumy) celebrates his birthday with his Grandma Bayles, who is played by actress Lily Darvas in a later season 2 episode of The Twilight Zone.  A review of that episode is a bit further ahead.  As even more photos below will show, Lily looks much like my grandma, Glady Melton-Hollis, who is the second wife of Robert Thomas Hollis, Sr., aka - Alexei Romanov (as the HOME tab explains), and the step-mother of the groom, Robert Thomas Hollis, Jr.  Also in March 1961, RTH, Jr. and Carol Grant Davis are planning their wedding.  The Twilight Zone was in season 3 when the Berlin Wall was erected by the Soviets on August 13, 1961.  A week later, August 20, was the wedding of my mom and dad, Bob and Carol Hollis, at Druid Hills Baptist.  

L-R:  RTH, Sr., his wife Gladys Melton-Hollis, the bride Carol, and groom RTH, Jr.  

Lily Darvas

Lily Darvas

Four months and two days after the wedding, The Twilight Zone's "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" episode airs (12-22-1961).  Does Gladys (second from left) look familiar?  Probably not, but that face is also a background tv extra in the opening of Perry Mason's 10-24-1959 episode The Case of the Blushing Pearls, with Christine White, Angela Katherine Greene, and George Takei from Star Trek.  Born the same day that that Perry Mason episode aired is the lead singer from Australia's punk rock band The Birthday Party (1978-'83).  Lead singer Roland Stuart Howard's anagram is "OH, DRAWS ART TOUR LAND."     That's more information than I was expecting to ever update this text box with, but it's a good clue if you want to learn how to do your own IPL research.  In real life, as you will read at this page, more than 100 patrons with the Atlanta High Art Museum will die in a plane crash on 6-3-1962, the day before I'm born, including M/M Charles Shaw, who were members of the church where the wedding photo above was made.  

It's Bob and Carol's first Christmas as a married couple.  Five Characters in Search of an Exit sounds like a plane crash episode, but actually, these five characters discover they are dolls trapped in a Salvation Army donation bin.  As you see below, the dolls are still available on-line from this 1961 Christmas episode of The Twilight Zone.  Bob and Carol (mom and dad) always liked watching The Twilight Zone, but I know they thought nothing about the doll theme here.  They were 3 1/2 months pregnant with Ken (me), who will share the name with Barbie's boyfriend Ken, who was created for Mattel by Elliot Handler only 8 months earlier (March 1961 per wiki).  Yes. That's the same month that Long Distance Call with Lily Darvas aired on The Twilight Zone.  In season 3, there will be a second Christmas episode of The Twilight Zone which will air 6-1-1962, the same week I am born.  

As the first paragraph of this tab states above, you are reading the cryptic deciphers of the grandson of Alexei Romanov, i.e. Granddad, RTH, Sr., who is in the wedding picture above.  Hopefully before you came here, you know the Buckingham Palace anagrams (1948), and have read the HOME tab.  Is there a goal here to prove that reincarnation happens?  The Twilight Zone script writers have left a trail that implies that that is the intent?  Point one is that a Gladys Melton-Hollis 'doppleganger' is playing Billy Mumy's grandmother in Long Distance Call in March 1961, the same month that the Ken doll is created, and the same month that Bob and Carol are planning the wedding.  Carol is not yet pregnant, so a real life second spirit, for the purposes of reincarnation (me), has not yet entered the scene.  Point two is that on November 3, 1961, a Twilight Zone character named Dan Hollis is having his birthday party in It's a Good Life, which stars Billy Mumy again.  Carol is about 9 weeks pregnant with me.  Point three is that Mattel's Ken doll is 9 months old in December 1961 when the 'doll show' titled Five Characters in Search of an Exit airs on 12/22.  This written for the season 3 Christmas season.  And finally, point four, is that a second season 3 Christmas episode (Changing of the Guard) airs in June, 1962, the same week that Ken (me) is born...  That's the script writer's trail.  More detail about these episodes is below, but now I'm thinking 'time travel machine, maybe???'  That's five years later with the Robert Colbert anagram you see next.  

The Time Tunnel was a 1966/67 TV series based on the 1964 film The Time Travelers.  Note that the Robert Colbert anagram is "OL' R.C. BET, ROBERT."  Like the cola, RC is Royal Crown, and Robert here, of course, in the world of Intellectual Property Law,  is referring to the former Russian Tsarevich Alexei Romanov, Robert Thomas Hollis, Sr. (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.")  

At any rate, Five Characters in Search of an Exit becomes more iconic as time goes on in that the success of Mattel's Ken doll, also 'launched' in 1961, is nothing short of miraculous, maybe.  Ken is so famous.  But I suspect that it could just have easily been Allan, Todd, or Brad, etc. if that had been the name of Alexei's grandson.  I have never read anywhere that Ken is credited with a launch out of Five Characters in Search of an Exit, but for some reason, it's noted on-line that Barbie's debut coincided with the release of Doris Day's 'erotically charged' film Pillow Talk (New Yorker 1-22-2018).  The point for the readers here is that Mattel dolls have become tools in the world of Intellectual Property Law, and even appear on court dockets across the world.  Leg socket copyrights, music lyrics, Mattel vs. MGA Entertainment, etc., and I am convinced that Ken's launch was with Five Characters in Search of an Exit.  And it has worked!  A relevant lesson if you're a marketing major.  But then again, that's hard to believe, and the only point for a marketing major is how to capitalize on coincidence.  It is 1961, and Ken dolls will not be sold in the USSR.  The Berlin Wall is new that year.  But the Ken doll will be a big selling doll in the West, even though everyone in the world has been told that Alexei and Anastasia Romanov have been  dead for decades.  

Another Twilight Zone episode that even today sardonically airs on Christmas Day on the retro TV stations is It's a Good Life (11-3-1961).  Back in 1961, his episode aired shortly after Bob and Carol's wedding, and just 7 weeks before Five Characters in Search of an Exit (12-22-1961).  It is especially relevant here because the 'birthday guy' in this episode has the same last name as me:  'Hollis.'    

Billy Mumy (Lost in Space) played six year old Anthony Freemont, a demonic character with supernatural powers in It's a Good Life.  Cloris Leachman is his mother in this episode of The Twilight Zone, where he turns a Dan Hollis (played by Don Keefer) into a jack-in-the-box just after he's opened a bottle of Brandy, and a Perry Como album.  The family doesn't know what Anthony Freemont is.  If you asked author James Rollins what Anthony Freemont is, he might say he's a descendant of Merlin (ask the 12th century Druids), who was a descendant of Ham, who was one of the sons of Noah (Genesis 5:32).  Rollins was born the same day as the Hollis' wedding, 8-20-1961, and I lifted the information about Merlin from one of his novels.  It's a Good Life (11-3-1961) aired just 11 weeks after the wedding.  

In Long Distance Call (3-31-1961), Billy Mumy is in the birthday hat.  

Billy Mumy as Billy Bayles (anagram:  "YES.  BY LAB.  ILL.") can talk to his grandmother on the toy phone even after she dies in  The Twilight Zone's Long Distance Call.  Lily Darvas as Grandma Bayles looks much like my grandma Gladys Melton Hollis, as you see from the photo on the far right, and from the wedding photo at the top of this tab.  Long Distance Call aired the same month that the Ken doll was created at Mattel (March 1961).  The fourth episode at the TAB here (Changing of the Guard) is also a Christmas episode mentioned earlier.  It aired the same week that Air France Flight 007 crashed in Paris.  

Air France Flight 007 was chartered for the Atlanta High Museum of Art, and crashed on take-off as it left Orly Airfield in Paris.  This postcard is a photo of Air France's 707 jet.  Leonard is leaving New York for Denver and sent the postcard above to M/M G.R. Wiebe in Indiana in which he compliments the cast in the play A Man for All Seasons.   The postmark has hit the front of the card, and as you see here, the postmark date is June 3, 1962, same day as the crash.  I was born a day later; June 4.    

Bobby Hollis

"Changing of the Guard" was a Christmas episode of The Twilight Zone that aired on June 1, 1962, just two days prior to the crash of the chartered Air France jet (Flight 007) that killed many with Atlanta's High Museum of Art.  Yes.  The second Christmas episode (#37) of season 3 premiered in June.  The first Christmas episode of season 3 was "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" (#14).  Actor Donald Pleasence (anagram: "LAD NEEDS CO. PLANE.") plays Professor Ellis Fowler (anagram:  "E.R.... FOWL LIES."), who plans to spend the first day of his Christmas holidays listening to Handel's Messiah on the radio.  As you see from the photo above, one of Professor Fowler's student's looks like my Dad, RTH, Jr., whose 1950 yearbook photo is above.  Keeping the theme from the HOME tab at this website, it was the grandson of Alexei Romanoff that was born in Atlanta the day after the crash of Flight 007.  Bob and Carol Hollis in the wedding photo above were friends of two of the crash victims:  M/M Charles Shaw, who were members of Druid Hills Baptist Church.  

Many people remember June 3, 1962.  A memorial event was held at the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta on the 50th anniversary of the crash.  In spite of the Ellis Fowler anagram, it was not a bird strike that brought down Flight 007.  

Andy Warhol painted page 1 of the New York Mirror from June 4, 1962.  The death toll became 130.  One who survived the crash of Flight 007 died the next day.  Two Air France flight attendants were the only survivors.  The painting now hangs in a gallery in Munich.  It (or a copy) was used in the film Factory Girl (released 12-29-2006).  Below is a clip:   A good question is, "when did Warhol paint 129 Die in Jet?"  

Factory Girl is about Edie Sedgwick, who was one of Andy Warhol's superstars in his short films of the 1960's.  129 Die in Jet! can be seen in the background of this scene at The Factory, which was the name of Warhol's work studio in NY.  And the mylar balloons?  That 1966 project was called 'Silver Clouds.'  Mylars are supposedly detectable on Doppler and  LLWAS radar (invented 1976), and can cause the diversion of air traffic.  Wiki claims mylars were invented in the late 1970's, and I remember them as brand new at Balloon Bazaar in Athens GA in 1984.  I worked up the newspaper ads for my client Don who sold hundreds of them in a box for Valentine's Day for $25 each, which included either postage or personal van delivery.  For a long time, I thought the mylar balloons in Factory Girl were a cryptic note concerning the actual production dates of Warhol's work, especially 129 Die in Jet!  But later, 'Silver Cloud' photos like the one seen here appeared on the net.  




Everything you've read up to here was written months ago.  Recently though, I watched The Silence, which aired in April 1961, which was a month after Bob and Carol became engaged for the August wedding.  In this episode, the date of June 3, 1962 is mentioned.  In real life, that's the date that the Air France jet crashed.  (I finally found a copy of The Silence, and in March 2021, I uploaded the "June 3, 1962 bet" that Archie made with Jamie.)  Here's what happens in....

... The Silence.  It was at the lodge that Archie Taylor (anagram:  A-ART HOLE.  I CRY.) goes on a harangue against Jamie Tennyson (anagram:  MANY SIN.  ONE JET.).   Archie makes a $500,000 bet that with Jamie that he can't keep quiet for 1 full year.  Jamie takes the bet.  A glass house wired with microphones is built in Taylor's basement, and...  

... to keep the deal and collect his $500,000, Jamie (left) can emerge on June 3, 1962.  In real life, that became the day that the chartered Air France jet Flight 007 crashed.  I was born the day after the crash.  Here's my dive card that shows my date-of-birth.  As you have already seen above, Andy Warhol painted the front page of the New York Mirror from June 4, 1962, which is titled 129 Die in Jet!   When you review the Jamie Tennyson and Archie Taylor anagrams above, you wonder how did they do that?  And without Sandy Kenyon too.  

Peters (the dive instructor) was one of 3 roommates in Gainesville GA in 1987-88.  I was the only roommate of the 3 that was not a dive instructor.  Strangely enough, in Dublin GA, I discovered in 2019 that my great grandfather C. Grant's 1933 grave is a few steps away from the Peter family plots. 

my dive card

Geneva's time travel machine

Hopefully you know the royal anagrams and have read the HOME tab before getting here.  If so, from 1990, here's Depeche Mode with "Enjoy The Silence."  The official video is on the left, and the band's 1990 performance on top of the twin towers is to the right; produced by Michel Drucker for Champs-Elysees; his TV show in France.  The air date was March 24, 1990, which was two days before I flew into London for a two week visit of my old haunts.  Just a few months later is the formation of the Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry Panel.  That's at the Pan Am Flight 103 tab.  Stay up on their 'ayes,' Depeche Mode.    This closes out The Silence.  

Twenty -Two was the title of another Twilight Zone episode that I recently saw.  I saw the episode title on the television menu bar, and since I remembered where I kept that number, 22, I stayed up late to watch.  I always look for those television points that may include time travel or predestination.  No, 22 wasn't my high school football jersey number.  

"Room for one more, honey."  That's actress Arlene Martel's line in the recurrent dream that Barbara Nichols has while in the hospital suffering a nervous breakdown.  Barbara's doctor, played by Jonathan Harris from Lost in Space, explains that from her dream, she is describing their morgue, which is also room 22.  

I stayed up late to watch Twenty Two because I knew that was the number of my school bus in first grade.  I had drawn a picture of it for OUR COMMUNITY HELPERS, which was a book that our West Clayton Elementary teacher organized for us one week in first grade.  Policeman, fireman, doctor, dentist, bus driver, nurse, milkman...  were among OUR COMMUNITY HELPERS that we illustrated for our individual books.  This is how Mr. Rooks and bus 22 became 'immortalized' in my house and in my memory back in first grade, 1969.  

At the end of Twenty Two, Barbara Nichols leaves the hospital with her stuffed snow leopard, and arrives at the airport late to fly to Vegas.  Arlene Martel is playing the stewardess about to close the door for Flight 22 when she sees Barbara climbing the stairs.  "Room for one more, honey," she says to Barbara who recognizes her from the dream and screams.  Barbara is inside the airport when the departing flight 22 explodes and burns on the runway.  Other than Barbara, there are no survivor's on the passenger list in this plane crash in The Twilight Zone.  

The name in the WORD SEARCH?  

-end of The Twilight Zone updates!-

"why do I always feel like... I'm in the Twilight Zone..."

That's also Michael Jackon's voice you hear in
Rockwell's 1983 hit Somebody's Watching Me

"why do I always feel like... I'm in the Twilight Zone..."

"why do I always feel like... I'm in the Twilight Zone..."

Oops.  This isn't The Twilight Zone.  But what a complement. 

Coming soon via a link: 

"SORRY LA..." - Larry Hovis Makes Me Nervous.  

What an appropriate song for this page.  Everybody Wants to Rule the World was released four days after the premiere of Mr. Belvedere (3-15-1985) and Gary Portney's opening theme song "According to Our New Arrival." 

Little Boy Lost was the October 18, 1985 episode of The Twilight Zone.   This was nearly three weeks after Carol Gordon of Fotomat  died in a plane crash with Jeff Saunders (my skydiving jumpmaster) and  14 others.  Click the photo above to get to that page, and also watch Little Boy Lost.  

-end (for now)-

R.C., like the cola, is Royal Crown.


The links below will navigate you through much of the web page here. The ROYAL ANAGRAMS virtually validates all of the work and research you find here.  You will believe everything read and implied when you know the ROYAL ANAGRAMS, plus you more likely to remember all of it too.  Some of these stories here started long before the birth of Prince Charles in 1948.  Visit ROYAL ANAGRAMS first, so that you understand the points made at other pages.  After ROYAL ANAGRAMS, visit the HOME page, and read the goals of the LAYORLIAR website.  As you read at the HOME page, one goal is to prove that Alexei Romanov is under the RTH, Sr. grave marker seen below.  With this HOME icon, Alexei is pictured in striped swim trunks like the 1959 1st edition Barbie.  The guitarist with Cheap Trick wears a similar top in the 1982 hit She's Tight.  That's me on my jeep with the IPL icon in green.  Intellectual Property Law (IPL) tab includes the Andy Warhol painting of the newspaper that was published the day I was born.  Plus the book titled Fourth of June from 1962 (my day and year of birth), along with more movie clips and doppelgangers.  Click the Robert Thomas Hollis (anagram:  "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE.") grave marker to read about HR493, which the Genetics Information Non-Discrimination Act, which went into effect on the 100th birthday of RTS, Sr.  The DOPPELGANGERS icon is a small introduction of family photos and the look-a-like royals, models, celebs, etc. There is more of that at the TWILIGHT ZONE tab.  Remember what happened to Dan Hollis at Anthony Freemont's birthday party?  The Twilight Zone is peppered with WORD SEARCH puzzles, and information on a few episodes which have already been identified as your favorites.  DUGOUT WITH WEIRD SCIENCE is as macabre as TWILIGHT ZONE. From there, tour the pages of TWA847, PAN AM FLIGHT 103,  and ON MY LAST FULL DAY IN EUROPE (PAA73) for airplane drama.  SPY GAMES LEO and RKH tabs are meant to entertain you mostly, but will also assist you in 'decrypting' secret 'babble' planted in movies, tv shows, books, puzzles, etc.  And finally, McDONALD'S BRICK explains the purpose of jots.  Save that tab for the end of your tour of the LAYORLIAR webpage.     

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