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Research from the Atlanta Constitution and the New York Times, April 8, 9, and 10.  GB and Shank were married in Atlanta Fulton Co. 4-9-1932.  

Here's what's in the news....

Police were still searching for the Lindberg baby.  

According to this article in the April 10, 1932 issue of the Atlanta paper, the boulder upon which Christ stood on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to perform the miracle of the loaves and fishes was discovered the same day that Shank married George Beachum "G.B." Hollis, who is another son of John Dempsey Hollis (b.10-6-1872)  G.B. was born 3-8-1912, just 4 days before the 'birth' of the Oreo cookie.  Oreo had a large centennial celebration on 3-4-2012.  

This article about the Lindberg baby sits beside a story out of Alexei's mother country, known today as the former Soviet Empire.  

The cost of a postage stamp went up. 

I enlarged the 'pumpkin head' comic strip from 4-8-1932.  

The 'pumpkin heads' are used in this Dead Eye Dick video, New Age Girl.  The lead singer here looks a lot like the young groom, G.B. Hollis, from the April 9, 1932 Fulton County wedding.  And who knows?  Maybe he looks like John M.L. Hollis who, as you see below, married  a woman named Mary Moon, which is also the name of the 'knew age girl' in the video above.  

World renown music composer Frederick Converse was born the same day that Mary Moon married John Hollis.  His opera, The Pipe of Desire, became the first American opera performed at the Metropolitan Opera in NY.   He was also know for Job, The Sacrifice, and sometimes wrote under the name "Harry Gringo."  

And between the two papers sited above, there were 6 articles published about the royals of Europe.

Click this  ROYAL CLAIMANT article for more info on de GUELPH on-line.

And I was startled that the Atlanta grocery store that I would walk to from my house in Ormewood Park was a brand new Piggly Wiggly on 4-9-1932.  My house was on Hemlock, and the other was on Glenwood Ave.   The small grocery store is in East Atlanta Village.  

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