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Summer School at

Universidad Ibero Americana (U.I.A.)

in Mexico City

June - August, 1981

This is the campus today.  Relocated.  

All of us students were with University System of Georgia, and we received 10 hours of elective credits toward graduation from our GA schools.  My souvenirs from this trip were usually postcards for my scrapbook.  The newspaper article above was waiting on my when I returned to Atlanta.  Each weekend we took a day trip to outlying city such as Taxco, Cuernavaca, Teotihuacan, etc.   Most Memorable Event:  We arrived in Cozumel for a 3 day vacation.  We were checking in and then told not to go to our rooms.  Then we were told to leave the hotel.  Our rooms were being taken by Fidel Castro and his entourage.  "Where do we go?"  "That's your problem."   That was the exchange with the desk clerk.  Our lead professor, GA State's Dr. Gomez, arrived shortly thereafter, and we found another hotel that was waiting for us.   Almost everything was new in Cozumel that year.  We were told that we were lucky to have hot water in the brand new high rise hotel.  

On June 2, 1981, I am two days away from my 19th birthday.  I've already had my required physical for summer school abroad.  Four WORD SEARCH boxes below.  Same puzzle but four different solutions.  Each themed with the USG Studies Abroad program...  We'll be in Mexico soon.  

Actually, our 5 story high college fell in an earthquake in Mexico City in 1980.  That didn't cancel classes.  We studied in more temporary structures much like those used in the 1987 film Summer School.  

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