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May 9, 2017

James Comey, Director of the FBI is fired by President Trump

YES.  Here only for the James Comey anagram.   Don't call the anagram "vulgar."  Vulgar is a word for gory and  mutilated accident victims.  Call the James Comey anagram "raunchy."  

Comey graduated from College of William and Mary in 1982, the same year that Prince William was born.  Comey majored in Chemistry and Religion.  His law degree came from University of Chicago in 1985, and he worked for the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York in 1987.  In 1996, he was working for the state of Virginia, and teaching law at the University of Richmond School of Law.  He was also special deputy council to the Senate Whitewater Committee, which was established to investigate the 1979 Whitewater scandal involving Bill and Hillary Clinton.  In 2004, he was the lead prosecutor of Martha Stewart, and also led the indictment of ImClone CEO Samuel Waksal.  In 2013, he was nominated to be Director of the FBI by President Obama.  Like one of Prince William's anagrams (below), the James Comey anagram carries with it a 'genealogy' theme.  

You know all about anagrams from the HOME PAGE.  It is apparent from the one above that Buckingham Palace Intelligence, who I believe was the entity that assisted in the naming of royal babies, forecast the discovery of the lost grave of King Richard III from 1485.  The hunchback Richard III was used by the Tudors to justify their genealogical claim to the throne.  As it turned out, the Tudors were wrong, but this fact has not booted the Windsor's out of the Palace.  You can click the image above to be taken to the Guardian article and read all about it.  

And above are news reports about the story.  Just one more point about James Comey...

...and the genealogy themed anagram.  It was all of that that started the LAYORLIAR webpage.  The italicized text block below is copied from the TWO CAN PLAY tab above:  

As the old subscribers to the HERALD OF FREE ENTERPRISE newsletter already know, the arguments are convincing that RTH, Sr., my granddad, was Alexei Romanov.  I have loads of research on the topic, and I am hoping to eventually sell this 'plot' in the film industry, with all names, and anagrams, changed.  This website is a 'teaser;' i.e., it's a small sample of the information I have collected through the years, and that I am hoping to market....  

The most important point of this web-page is to establish credibility of the claim that RTH, Sr. is Alexei Romanov, and this is done out of Buckingham Palace.  The relevant documentation is under the tab labeled ANAGRAM at the top of this page, and that same location can be reached by clicking on the ROYAL ANAGRAMS icon at the bottom of this page.  The tracking of Alexei Romanov's bloodline continues, as you will see when you click other royal names under ANAGRAM at the menu bar.  So, explore the domain here, and see how the plot continues to thicken....  

So without further adieu, here's that raunchy James Comey anagram:  
















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