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Corona Virus

These two articles are from the Atlanta Journal Constitution; April 8, 2003.  Yes.  SARS is the corona virus.  

The corona virus shut down the film industry in March 2020, and I was left unemployed for months.  The vaccine is due in January.  

Another WORD SEARCH.  

The pandemic could have happened in February 2007

A joke inside a joke.  That's what's done quite frequently in the print and entertainment industry with anagrams.  Here, Bil Keane has the doctor's name as 'Ellis M. Shackelford,' which anagrams to "HELL IS FOR 'LACKS MED.' "  

Actually, it was the world's first Covid vaccine patient.  Her name is Margaret Keenan, which anagrams to "MEAN GA. RATE, R. KEN."

She made all the papers, and all the other media shows with the event, and so closes the Corona virus page...  so close to Christmas....

Zip to the end of this video so you can hear all about the 12 days only once!

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