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August 4, 1975 -

Braces put on at Dr. Ford's office.  

The date August 4 stuck in my mind.  Back in 1996 on that date, my family had $600 tickets to the Olympic Closing Ceremonies in Atlanta, and I remembered that 21 years had gone by since I had had braces put on my teeth.  Like most kids getting braces, I had made a point to remember the date of 8-4-1975.  Like most kids getting braces, I also started marking the days before my braces would be removed.  At the library several years ago, I scrolled through the reel from that week in 1975, pulled these articles from the newspaper microfiche.  

Most of the Russia's royal family were still in an unmarked grave under Koptyaki Road.  

As you see from the photos above, Hugo Koehler (mentioned in the Romanov article above) looked much like Martin Landau from "Mission Impossible."  

Also on August 4, the Queen Mum turned 75...  

And finally, unbeknownst to us then, there was another unmarked grave created that didn't eclipse that of the Romanov's, but people today still ask, "Where's Hoffa?"  This article was published August 4, 1975, just 5 days after the disappearance of Union Boss Jimmy Hoffa.    

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