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June 9, 2003

Spencer Tunick photo makes the Atlanta Journal Constitition

Unless you could find yourself in the 'sea of nudes,' why would anyone save a Spencer Tunick photograph?  You remember the relevance of Andy Warhol painting seen below:  

It was a copy of the New York Mirror that was published the same day that I was born, and later given a background role in the 2006 movie Factory Girl.   i.e., I was here on earth, day 1, in my birthday suit. 

Unless you could find yourself in the 'sea of nudes,' why would anyone save a Spencer Tunick photograph?  It was all the other birthday suits.  There were more birthday suits here than on the nude beaches of Greece 1985 (that's at the timeline on 9-30-1985).   After my discovery of anagrams, I worked up Spencer Tunick anagram:  "KEN'S C*** PRICE."   Wow.  You have to do the rest of the anagram yourself.  I don't know what they were up to 6-9-2003, but 7,000 nude persons in one place is a lot of players.  BTW, did you notice that my DOB is in one of the lottery wins above?   It's backwards.  

1994 T-shirts by Ken-Lo University Clothing


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