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Athens, Greece

Opening Olympic Ceremony

August 13, 2004

They lost their bid for the 1996 Olympics, which went to Atlanta.  But soon thereafter, the IOC chose Athens to host the event for 2004.  No hard feelings from the hijacking of TWA847 19 years earlier.  You may recall that President Reagan had blamed the Athens Airport Security for that incident.  Just a few days prior to opening ceremony, this ad ran in the 9-8-2004 (that's the European date version) of Time Magazine.  

That's me in the pajamas on the right in a photo that is meant to make you ponder the similarity between me in 1973, and the posed model from the August 2004 ad in Time Magazine.  As usual, the opening ceremonies were phenomenal.  

Subscribers would swear that the Greeks are paying homage to the Herald of Free Enterprise newsletter subscribers, but that Intellectual Property Law newsletter did not begin until 2005.  

A DNA stairway to wherever is what this photo reminds me of today.  But in 2004, I was two years away from finding the document at Buckingham Palace that substantiate the claims made at the Home Page.  It's a fact that Prince Philip Mountbatten (Queen Elizabeth's husband) would have been crowned King of Greece in 1964 if that monarchy had continued.  

What song were they playing here with this tree?    IDK, but bemusing they used the tree.    Notice the odd face on the trunk of the tree just behind the rail.  It reminds me of Edvard Munch's painting The Scream.  Expensive.  Wait.  It might be one of those space aliens used in the first episode of Star Trek; The Cage, except they communicate telepathically and never opened their mouths.  You can't see this if you're on a smart phone.

I have one of those trees in my photo album too.  I called him a bearded sorcerer with four short legs and a tall cone hat.  This photo was taken at a park in London in April 1990.  

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