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The Prince Charles anagram:

If you're at your smart phone and can't read the document above, here's the solution to one of the Prince Charles anagrams: 


Prince Charles' full name:  Charles Philip Arthur George Mountbatten Windsor


Now, shuffle the letters around to get the anagram, which is here in all capital letters:


Who was Robert Tomas Hollis?  R.T.H., Sr. was born 11-21-1909, and R.T.H., Jr. was born 8-28-1933.  Dad, and Granddad.  The Robert Thomas Hollis anagram is "OL' BIRTH SHAMS TO ROLE."  As you see when you study the image above scanned from a book cover, the royals keep track.

From a wixsite webpage, one is not able to save images to their hard drives, so if you want a copy of this document, as JPEG, click the book cover above to be remoted to a competing webpage where you can save it to your hard drive.  

Now, click the grave marker above to go to the RTH, Sr. 'Date-of-Birth' TAB.  The 1909 article published in the Atlanta Constitution the same day that RTH was born includes an image of my face.  That kid who looked much like me at 10 years old was actually the son of a Balkans Czar.  You can keep 'surfing' from there, or you can hit your backtab arrow to return to where you came from.      

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