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the third page...  but here at page 3 you do need to be familiar with the Prince Charles anagram; it's at the ANAGRAM tab on the menu bar above.  I have taken liberties with my royal bloodline that you will be convinced has been shared with intelligence communities worldwide.  The point made just two paragraphs below, being M.L.H.

More recent research on Pan Am Flight 103 is at this third PAA103 page.  I knew I had more for the Pan Am 103 page after this amusing find at Kenny MacAskill's book on the Lockerbie bombing.  I scanned the page and have it posted just below.  On this page, the name of the rendition victim is Mustafa Salim Ali el-Madaghi.  What's a rendition victim?  In short, it's arresting someone before the crime has been committed.  You can read about this on-line.   The point here at this page, which you will not find in any other book anywhere about Lockerbie, is that the theme of the Mustafa anagram here complements the anagram that Libyan Security Services had when they issued a false passport to the alleged bomber, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi.  A technical point that will probably never matter for the future, financially, is that before Megrahi is taken into custody by Scottish authorities, it is agreed between the governments involved that he will not be allowed to blame Gaddafi or Libya for the downing of PAA103.   


Megrahi had two passports. One with his real name on it, an another with an alias on it.  Detail on the second passport is published in both John Ashton's book, and Kenny MacAskill's book.  This second passport was not a forgery.  It was issued to him by the Libyan government with directions not to use it unless instructed to do so by proper authorities.  Megrahi was turned over to Scottish authorities by Gaddafi because it was proven that Megragi did use the 'coded' passport to travel to Malta at the same week that the bomb was placed on PAA103.  I've scanned the page from the book that has the Mustafa name on it, and I placed the anagram of the name there.  It's all below:  But who is M.L.H.?  

M.L.H. is my sister.  M.L.H., like me, is a grandchild of Alexei Romanov, as you know from the Home page.  Study the anagram above.  Punctuation makes all the difference.  Is the message that's coded in the anagram "Ga. mail sat," as in the Georgia mail sat, and didn't get delivered?  Or is the message "Ga. mail Sat.," as in expect the Georgia mail on Saturday.  It depends on who you ask.  Anyway, the other scanned page is from John Ashton's 2012 book.  As you see on Ashton's page below, I have underlined the name used on Megrahi's false passport in red.  And as with Mustafa's anagram, it's all about M.L.H. again.  

According to the book, the coded passport was issued to Megrahi by Libyan Security Services in the late 1970's.  I will clarify the cipher above:   point 1:  MLH was not bad.  point 2:  Dad was not MIA (which in the U.S. is the acronym for 'missing in action').  Another point to make is that the coded passport was issued to Megrahi several years before a bomb was discovered on Pan Universe Airlines Flight 42.  That was in  Airplane 2:  The Sequel.  The coded passport was issued Megrahi in the late seventies, and Airplane 2: The Sequel was released in 1982.  As you see below, in the film, Sonny Bono is the bomber. 

As you see at the top of the Sonny Bono image above, his last name is in the anagram of my full name.  This photo is from Airplane 2:  The Sequel, and the target was Pan Universe Airways Flight 42.  It's a good time to remind you of that Andy Warhol painting, 129 Die in Jet!   

And here's the song that answers the question above about Mustafa el-Madaghi's anagram from Kenny Mac's book.  Check's is in the mail.  

And here's the WORD SEARCH about the coded passport.  

And here's another WORD SEARCH about the coded passport.  

I lived and worked in London in 1986, and returned for two weeks of vacation in 1990.  The POLL TAX RIOTS occurred.  Years later, I discovered this cryptic message in one of the newspapers I saved.  K-Mart was my employer.  At the time, there were 2,100 K-mart stores in the U.S.  Three of those were in Puerto Rico.  Circa 1993, one opened in Prague Czechoslovakia.  

This is the third and final page of PAA103 on 12-21-1988.  Click the link above to return to the TIMELINE.  

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