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DNA Alexei

From the DNA graph at the 'Dugout with Wierd Science' TAB, same as above, you see the numbers 1673 and 1836 circled.  2560 is also there.  At a glance, I am able to dismiss the two circled numbers.  I had used them published with the Herald of Free Enterprise newletter prior to the discovery of the two bodies found in Russia in 2007.  As I have written at the "Spy Games Leo" tab, the day before, the day after, and the day of qualify.  

You must be able to theme two subjects together when decoding another's cryptic  works.  From the DNA graph above, we take the number 1673.  Using the date version, as explained at the "Spy Games Leo" tab, we see from out book above, Living with Terrorism by Richard Cutterback, that 1673 is the first FULL day ever in the history of the United States, that we had AIRPORT SECURITY!  I have known that for years prior to the DNA test .   

And as you also find at the 'Spy Games Leo' TAB, the number backwards also qualifies as a date version.  1836 is circled in yellow at the DNA graph too.  Backwards, the date version of the number is June 3,1981.  That number is the day after the date of the Weekly World News above that was published just before I left for summer school in Mexico City.  You can find the magazine on-line.  I chose the version above because it was more themed with the subject of 'Alexei and Marie remains,' but the other solution is not relevant, but included below.  

The use of the date number backwards is a common occurance in the world of Intellectual Property Law.  My date of birth is used backwards on the Pac Man game cartridige, as you see below.  Andy Warhol painted the cover of the New York Mirror from that day, 6462, and you'll find that at the website here if you continue surfing.  

And finally, from the DNA graph you have from the 'Dugout with Wierd Science' TAB, same as above, as you see the number 2560.  I don't know that number, nor any of the numbers on the DNA graph.  But I made the attempt, as you can if you're interested in decoding, to solve the number 2560.   I found it at,  and 2560 is William John Readings date-of-birth, the anagram being "I AM READING JOHN'S WILL."    All themed with the subject of the DNA graph.  The numbers are above if you want to continue with the research.  




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